He has a Ph.D. in computer science from Yale
University, a Master degree of Philosophy from Yale
University and he is a senior data scientist. He
successively served as professor of computer science,
senior system engineer, senior scientist, research
director and other positions at the Department of Computer
Science at Brandes University, IBM Supercomputer
Department, Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics
Laboratory, Boeing Institute of Mathematics and Computing
Technology. In recent years, he has led Yale
University’s “high-efficiency multi-core
algorithm and its model.” Dr. GEORGE’s
achievements in research, military, aerospace, simulation
and industrial fields also include:
- Divacon advanced distributed computing
programming language
- BORG supercomputer and its communication,
programming and application system
- The Optimal Algorithm of K-Dimension FFT in
M-Dimensional Network Distributed System
- Spectrum Analysis and Application of
Communication Network in Distributed Systems
- Optimal Parallel Algorithm for Bandwidth-limited
Linear Systems
- A Parallel Algorithm of Log(N) Time for N
Automata with N being a Large Number